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hidden inside
Thursday, 7 April 2005
Life has some crazy twists. One week it seems like everything is just as it should be, finally things are going my way, then something so unexpected can creep in and shake everything up. It can appear to knock everything off course. Yes, I do mean appear. It seems like everything it so crazy, but God never looses control.

He never looses His cool.

When you find that you have fallen, fearing all is lost, look around you and you will see that He has had you in his arms all along.

Let me explain a little of what I am talking about.

February 9th around 11:00pm, I was strongly feeling led to fill my life with teaching, Biblical teaching. I had never done anything like that before, in fact, I grew up around some Christians who warned against reading books or listening to sermons, Christian television and the like. Unfortunately, over the years I had learned to have an attitude about such things, without even realizing it. Well, on that night, it hit me so strong that without even taking time to think through and deeply consider, I just turned on my tv to TBN and started watching.

I can not tell you now what it was they were teaching that night. I honestly don’t remember. What I do remember is how I felt inside. I just felt right. Like when you know you are just where you are supposed to be.

After the program was over, I read some Word and went to bed feeling more at peace then I think I have ever felt before in my life. I knew the next morning I would be taking in more teaching. I knew that there are so many things I need to learn and understand. Thank You, God for raising up these vessels for Your words to flow through. It has totally changed my whole life.

I started getting up at 5:00am, taking time to pray and spend time with God, then, rather then saying “amen” and forgetting all about Him, I took God with me all through my day. I brought Him in all I did. I figured out creative ways to listen to sermons and teaching while doing my daily tasks and discovered just how much better my time was spent listing to God’s Word rather then watching the latest designs on Trading Spaces or listing to my favorite album.

I kept this routine up for 2 solid months and had every intention of making it my life from that day forward, but this is where an unexpected twist comes in. You see God will always keep us moving on. Always growing, always learning, always changing. I wanted nothing more then to just stay right where I was, filling my mind with all there is to know of God and His ways, but God has much, MUCH bigger plans for this life He has given to me.

I remember one day feeling that it was time for me to pull away a little. I knew I was starting to neglect my family and duties, things people were depending on me to do. I kept telling myself, “That is so not right! I am doing this for God.”. I kept fighting off the feeling of needing to get back into life, convincing myself that somehow I had gotten to “holy” to do those meaningless tasks.

It is funny to think back on it now because I know how it felt to be at that place. I felt like I was invincible. Like I had arrived. Ha haa ha! I can’t imagine how my “holiness” must have looked to God. I am sure I don’t want to know. I do know, when I look back on it, I was becoming full of pride and self-confidence. At the one time in my life when I thought I was leaning on God the most, I was completely missing Him. DON'T GO YET! I'm not done.

See, what I was doing was not wrong at all, in fact I am still quite sure that God was leading me to learn, just as I had said. The thing that went wrong was me. I became so proud of all I was learning, and saw so much power in knowing so much, that I forgot the very heart of it. I was no longer even applying some of the very things I was learning.

::::: My real point in telling all of this - Although I could not see that I had strayed, God could see it all, every move, every motive. I would have led myself to complete destruction, even with something so seemingly good. BUT, God would not let that happen. He saw exactly where I was headed and set me back on track.

I still love listening to teaching and filling myself with God’s wisdom and knowledge. I recommend spending more time filling yourselves with God rather then tv, movies, or whatever you personally fill your hours with. But, rather then neglecting all else, learn to bring God everywhere you go. Say short prayers all through the day. Talk with friends and family about what you have been reading in the Word. Take time to pray with others and for others.

Pray for God to show ways to bring Him more and more into your life and into the lives of those you are spending your days with.

He will be faithful in answering your prayer.

Karen reminisced at 12:01 AM CDT
Saturday, 26 March 2005
God’s answer to me was to chase after Him more. Making Him my whole world, my everything. Seeking Him as I would a new love.

   I had a word spoken over me once many years ago. The woman told me that God desires for me to love and romance Him as I would a beau. Someone I truly love and seek to know more and be with more. All of these years later I am just now choosing to seek Him and love Him as He had desired even way back then.

   It is taking some time and learning, but never in my life has everything been so clear, so full of meaning and purpose. I am overwhelmed with a sense of purpose, safety, and love. Is this what God has always intended? Could it be that so many are aimlessly wandering through life never knowing what it is to be truly free, truly alive?

   But the life I feel right now had one side effect I didn’t expect. I now see such sorrow and loneliness in everyone around me. I want so much to tell them, “It doesn’t have to be this way!”, but somehow I just can’t find the words. How do you explain what can only be experienced?

My heart has been breaking over the love and devotion of our Lord Jesus. I had spent my life as a Christian knowing Jesus had died for me. But I never really knew. I never had never before totally grasped what it was He did for us by dieing on that cross. I want to share it. I want to give everyone a chance to know just how much Jesus did that day. I want everyone to know just how free He made us in Him. This is my wish.

   I will shout it from the rooftops what it is He has done!

Karen reminisced at 12:01 AM CST
Updated: Saturday, 21 January 2006 7:55 PM CST
Thursday, 6 January 2005
I have been a Christian girl all my life. There have been varying degrees of devotion to my Precious Savior and Father through the years, but no matter where I have been in this life, He has always been a part of who I am. But what would happen if He was more then “just a part” of me? How would my life, and the lives of those around me, change if I really let go of my life and let God have His way?

   Last night, I heard that voice in my heart. The voice we so often choose to ignore and is so easily drowned out by everyday events. But last night, I stopped just long enough to hear it.

   I was sitting on the edge of my bed praying. I was feeling such a need for direction, for some kind of answer. A prayer I have prayed so many times before. Praying with such earnest but beginning to feel desperation set in. Fear growing inside that, maybe, once again I would pray just to have life continue on just as it had been before. As I continued on in prayer, in my heart was questioning why God never answers. I know He is there. I know He is listening. He even gives His word that He hears us when we call and He will answer us. So, why do I still have no answer?

   Right then I heard it, deep inside, so soft and quite. It was as if someone was whispering inside of me. But yet I heard is so loud and clear. It said, “I already told you what to do. You know what to do. You just decided that it was not the answer you wanted.”

   I sat there for who knows how long, just staring off at nothing at all, one thing going around in my head. I had known all along. I did know the answer, but I had chosen to overlook it, pretend it was never there, fighting for God to direct how I would prefer rather then the way He had instructed.

   How often do we do that in life? How many of us are going around the same track over and over again just hoping it will lead someplace new this time around? It scares me to think about how long I have been circling this same track, but it scares me much more to think where I will end up if I never go a new way, God’s way.

   1 Kings 19:11-12

11"Go out and stand before me on the mountain," the LORD told him. And as Elijah stood there, the LORD passed by, and a mighty windstorm hit the mountain. It was such a terrible blast that the rocks were torn loose, but the LORD was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the LORD was not in the earthquake. 12And after the earthquake there was a fire, but the LORD was not in the fire. And after the fire there was the sound of a gentle whisper.

Karen reminisced at 12:01 AM CST
Wednesday, 5 January 2005
In past blog entries I have shared the events of my life in addition to whatever would be weighting heavy on my thoughts or just lightly floating around mind. This is a new year, new events, new thoughts, new dreams as well as new weights. But I have been thinking…..

   At 24, I am just getting old enough to see something of this life I have been living, this road I have traveled. It has gotten me thinking, deeply pondering. Is this all there is? Is this really all God had in mind? If so, why do I feel like I am missing something, really missing something? Maybe I am finally beginning to understand what so many have been trying to explain to me all these years. Maybe I am discovering what everyone else already knows. Or maybe, just like me, they have been going through life in that mist, that sort of cloud, always lost, wandering and wondering what all this is about.

   I want to find out what this life God has given me is really about. What all of this is really about.

I know God is the only one who can tell me what I am here for, what His purpose is for my life. So it is God I will seek.

   John 6:27

...Spend your energy seeking the eternal life that I, the Son of Man, can give you.

   Hebrews 11:6

...he rewards those who sincerely seek him.

   Romans 8:28

And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.

Karen reminisced at 12:01 AM CST

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:::: Song
"Cut" -Plumb

Play » Pause » Stop
give one moment to start

:::: Currently
9:35 am, Jan 20th

Feeling |
Movie | Whisper of the Heart
Theme song | "Stranded" –Plumb
Listening | "Do You Believe in Magic" –Aly & A.J.
Wearing | white girly tee, blue lounge pants
Drinking | English Breakfast tea w/milk
Eating | graham crackers
Reading | subtitles
Thinking | I can’t help but wonder where this life will lead me. I have such a fear of failure. Fear of always waiting for something just to discover I wasted a life waiting for what was never meant to be. Yet I can’t imagine a life without the hope of these dreams becoming reality. Dreams that have become cries in my heart so strong, deep and interwoven into all I am and have ever been. So I still wait while wondering and fearing all along that this waiting might all be in vain...but what if it isn’t?


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The intended purpose for this site is to be an online journal and space for my own creative expression.
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Song- MusicRemedy.com
Layout Image- Mockingbird
Font- DpScript DaFont
Site- Tripod/Lycos
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